Head Handmade Tapes is a physical subdivision of the Necrophile Hummingbird Netlabel.
All our audio tapes are handcrafted and cost
5 USD (+Shipping : 1,90 USD) The releases are very limited, so it's better to pre order a copy to colibri.necrophile@gmail.com (name, postal address, Ref...)
If you are french be sure to check the french webpage, because for example for the local releases of Shagreen Tape there will be an absinthe plant gift.

Of course the albums releases in cassette will be also available in free download online, this is more a way to try to be less dependant of internet.



CATALOGUE 2019 - 2020


REF HHT1 : Anachronic Sacrifice by Multiple Personality 3
(33 numbered copies Full Lenght 90 mn)


REF HHT2 : Shagreen Tape by PIRATE Tapes
(23 numbered copies Full lenght 90 mn)

REF HHT3 : Shadow Of Fire by Yoshiwaku
(13 numbered copies Full lenght 60 mn)


REF HHT4 : Dawn of the Damned by Gabriel Pereira Spurr & Yoshiwaku
(18 numbered copies Full Lenght 90 mn)



REF HHT5 : Mushotoku Ear Bleeding by Yoshiwaku & PIRATE Tapes & A Symbiotic Experience & CorteX & Twin Realities Dreamers
(18 numbered copies Full Lenght 90 mn)


While the next releases are still not available feel free to take a tour into the netlabel archive The Necrophile Hummingbird

Or follow the lastest news here https://ello.co/ed_end

or on the label fakebook page...